The Wild, The Inebriated, and The E Street Shuffle


One of my souveniers from the night...the other was a hangover.


I’ve never been one to make a big deal out of my birthday.  Well, aside from my epic 21st birthday weekend (My birthday was on a Friday that year, so we went to the bars at midnight on Thursday, went to the Breakfast Club Friday, and had a house party Saturday), that’s mostly true.

This year, things were a little different.  Now that I have a beautiful apartment in Belmar, along with plenty of bars within walking distance, why not go all out?  So I invited a bunch of people over to check out the place and then hang out at a bar.  Even though my birthday was once again on a Friday this year, I limited the celebrating to only one night.

After the guests started arriving, I tried to order a couple monster pizzas from 3 Brothers.  Alas, they never answered the phone.  After calling a dozen times, and after a few other people tried to no avail, I ordered pizza from some other place.  Though perfectly adequate, this regular pizza is nothing compared to giant 3 Brothers pizza.

After hanging out at the apartment for a while and getting sauced up, we headed out for the Boathouse.  As luck would have it, there was a live band there that night.  Even luckier, it was The E Street Shuffle, a Bruce Springsteen tribute band!  Though I never heard of them before that night, I was impressed.  They did a great job, playing both the hits and the lesser known songs.

What really impressed me about the band was that they put up with my drunken antics.  After being in the bar for a while I got a little more than tipsy.  I went up to the band, told them it was my birthday, and asked if I could request a song.  Only I was a lot more obnoxious than that sentence would suggest.  Anyway, I asked for The E Street Shuffle, probably because that’s what I saw on a big banner behind the band and my brain was only working at half capacity.  When asked what my second choice is, I completely blanked out and couldn’t think of another Bruce song.

The band then played a bunch of other songs.  I’m told they even played Happy Birthday for me (though I honestly have no recollection of this).  For their last song, they actually played my request and their namesake, The E Street Shuffle.  Afterwords, I remember giving each member of the band like a hundred fist pounds and dropping my phone into a guitar case.  It’s a wonder I didn’t get my ass kicked.

Even more puzzling, I didn’t break a single glass that night, yet one of my much less drunk friends did.

Anyway, thank you to my girlfriend (who made me not one but two cakes), my friends (who hung out and helped me get home) and to The E Street Shuffle (who humored a drunken idiot).  I might not remember everything about that night, but it was definitely a memorable one.

Explore posts in the same categories: Bars, Belmar, Music, Personal

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One Comment on “The Wild, The Inebriated, and The E Street Shuffle”

  1. consultpub Says:

    Hey dude! Sounded like a great time! Funny, you looked pretty sober when we saw you this past Monday!

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